A Small Hand in Rising to Greatness
Several months ago, I had the great pleasure of meeting Brayden while he was out walking his grandmother’s dog. After many conversations I learned much about Braydon and his life. I will try to summarize and bring to point on where we can all give Braydon a helping hand.
From a very early age Braydon’s parents separated, and Braydon was with his mom. His mom was a diabetic and back then living with Type 1 Diabetes. It was very difficult to control and manage. I say this out of experience as I do know the trails and tribulations Type 1 Diabetes can have on a family and one’s health. I regress so let’s move forward. Braydon’s Mother’s constant battle with Diabetes took its toll on her and eventually she was overwhelmed. Braydon then went to live with his grandmother in Muskoka. It was a good move/restart for Braydon as he was at school; learning and moving forward rapidly in his scholastics. I can only imagine I would need a new start and new roots given what Braydon and his grandmother went through. Braydon graduated from middle school and then high school in great standing and plans to go to college very soon. He is looking at focusing his efforts on the fine arts and has been accepted at college.
Over the past while Braydon showed me his growing
art portfolio. I am not an art critic, but
his art does touch one’s heart and his awards for his art shows a great track
record in doing so!
In moving forward,
we will be helping Braydon Create his Wave.
For every Surfboard / Skateboard purchased from Create Your Wave you
have the option to have a 1 of a kind print on your board designed and painted
by Braydon. The costs will be worked out
between you and Braydon, and all proceeds will go towards funding Braydon’s
College Education.
In moving forward
let’s all help Braydon Create His Wave for his adult life!!
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