Last Summer of Covid Restraints – We Hope 


As the world starts to crawl out of isolation, the Northern Hemisphere opens up into one of the most favorite of seasons for most – Summer!!! 

Oh; how I long for picnics, travelling to new places, seeing old friends, new experiences finding new friends, the water, camp fires, and the like.  With the seemingly decreasing of Covid Cases in the world, and freedoms on the rise, I can’t help but feel abnormally elevated and filled with wonder.   

In some ways I feel like a cave man leaving the “cave” for the 1st time.  The world is filled with wonder and adventure; again.  

As the season begins; we, at Create Your Wave, have been doing allot of work in product advancement in our cave.  As you see from our website, we have started a new Electric Powered Skateboard: The Apex.  There are many product aspects that will ensure product leadership in the up-and-coming years.  We have also made many advancements to the Maverick and will be posting them to the website.  Spoiler alert: it has far advanced past all the competitions’ boards.  Many of the team, at Create Your Wave, have advanced themselves with online training: a wonderous advancement due to Covid. 

As with the Cave Men of old, we are entering into a new era.  We will now be able to go out.  Like with the cave analogy, I wonder how many will seek the comfort of the cave: staying inside, waiting for that perfect moment to venture.  To those I remember a perfect saying: “there is a time for everything: a time to work...and this is our time”.  In following I say: Go out, Have fun, Just do it!!! 

My day is calling and it’s to follow my own advice – Till our next blog.  I hope the tagline for this covid era sustains: “Be Safe; Be Kind.” 


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