Thanksgiving: Cottage-life

 As we are approaching the monumental Thanksgiving Weekend in Canada, I find myself at a point of internal debate. As with many in Northern Ontario it is the time when the leaves change and sunsets over the lakes become a real spectacle. This year will be no exception!

Internal Debate 1

The internal debate then? Over the years many have been talking about Global warming. Although true, We in Canada have yet to see winters and summers as when I was a toddler: Snow higher than a grown man, Ski hills with chair lifts that the skiers drag their skies over when lifted to the top of the hill, summers that reach into the 100’s, and the such. Would it be safe to say that we have global levelling? Simply the highs and lows appear to be a thing of the past. It would appear this year as well. Never do I remember being able to swim during the Thanksgiving weekend without a dry suit. At this time of the year, it was “give or take” as to snow. Although in other parts of Canada, yes: it is snowing, but the degree in temperature throughout the seasons again appears to be shrinking.

Internal Debate 2

The history and concepts of Thanksgiving. For my family for generations, this upcoming weekend was the traditional “close the cottage” weekend. The families in the bay would band together, get all the work done to close all the cottages and feast on the Monday, discuss the summer and what fun we had, and the older generation would talk about the future and “Do you remember?? – when we were kids” Although the adults would talk, I think I learned more about my parents, aunts, uncles, grandparents etc. than I would anywhere else. Although I am in the generation now of “remember when”, and have a few of my own, I still love to hear the stories of the past and legacy at the cottage. 

I apologize as I reminisce, but it provides a dilemma to the debate. With the “global temperature leveling”, feel free to use the term, I wonder if there are still stories unwritten – yet; to be told for the year. In closing the cottage on the traditional time – breaking traditions: do I hold out for the – when ever the season determines me to do so?? 

It is funny as I look around and see nature in the similar respect. Ducks getting ready to fly south: Yes: some have already left – tradition -, yet some have not. Deer and Moose are doing the same: some have already moved to their fall and winter grounds, yet some remain. Squirrels gathering nuts: some are going crazy: Hyperactive with 10 large coffees sets in, “I Must find More Nuts!” Others are basking in the sun, “Chilling on a tree branch”. 

It is almost like the wild is in a huge shrug with me: “what do I do??” Some have already made their decisions and put them into action. Some have decided there is more time. Some have done an in-between, i.e., I will do some now and when appropriate, finish and move on.

I wonder in the year what will happen in cottager life. Will some follow traditions to the “T”? Will others bask in the sun? Will some do an in-between? Neighbors I have you covered; bringing wine for the “chillers”, extra coffee for the “hypers”, both for the “inbetweeners”!!

This Thanksgiving Weekend will be interesting to see how things unfold. Well time to leave this thought as my son is calling. 

Thank you for reading!! 

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