Corporate Social Responsibility

Social Responsibility appears to be an up and coming term put in many organizations’ website platforms. For the last decade, or more, many companies have adopted this “forward thinking” philosophy in their daily and forward corporate and individual mindset. 

Put simply, Social Responsibility is a purposeful statement or methodology to ensure right is done for the environment in which the individual/company resides, ensure its partners are in a congruent mindset, and – also to assist in positive change.

At the end of the day, many feel it is what all companies should do and are most often assumed. We as, individuals and company bodies, should focus on the simplicity as its most minute detail if we do good; good comes back. If we do good, by its simplest and truest nature, logically, we will attract good business, good partners, good life, etc. There are many similar philosophies before Corporate Social Responsibility was strewn: “the law of 3”, “what comes around – goes around”, “do unto others”, and others. 

In the above context, then, is corporate responsibility an entity for patting themselves on the back? In a perfect world, I would say “yes”. The issue is that, apparently, we are not luxated to be in such an environment. Currently, like individuals, corporations are holding their hands in the air to say: “Hey we are one of the good guys”. They put their statements for all stakeholders to see; for them to take measure and in some cases engage with them. Personally, the last is the most important – feed back from stakeholders. This takes the back patting off the table, it puts the ownice to the company’s environment: by definition; all that surrounds them – physically and metaphysically.

Our statements for Corporate Responsibility are as follows in context:

Environment: Be purposeful and mindful to do no harm. Be a proponent and champion in ensuring its longevity. If you see something wrong, if you can and have the authority, it is your obligation to fix the issue. Read, listen, learn, educate and do your part as a residence in your environment.

Stakeholders: Treat all stakeholders with, at the very least, the same respect, dignity, and communications than you demand for yourself. 

Charity: Be charitable with your time and knowledge, but not at the risk of company and self. Create Your Wave gives a chartable donation to Ducks Unlimited as a portion of their net income yearly.

Thank you for reading! We look forward to your thoughts and input and hope this blog will become a living document for us and our stakeholders; giving all transparency to our corporation and culture environment and all stakeholders.


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